Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Why Social Media

Today is National Social Media Day, and in honor of it, I thought I'd write a blog post about why I use social media. I have had Facebook since you needed a .edu address. I got Pinterest as a young working adult, and I tuned into Instagram when I moved back to Arizona. I periodically fast from social media because I admit, it can get out of hand, but each time I go back, I find some redeeming qualities, some reasons for me to use social media in moderation. Here are a few:

Camaraderie: Social media is a place to connect with like-interested (even if not like-minded!) people. I stay connected to my alma mater this way. I especially like Still I Run, and the running community as a whole. I learn from them. Maybe they learn from me. 

Celebration: Some social media is just fun! I enjoy posting joyful moments from my life. I enjoy celebrating with others from afar. I will also put in this category businesses and other entities that I follow in order to receive notifications and announcements. Not all are celebratory, but many are.

(en)Couragement: Hebrews 10:24 says, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Not all the bloggers I follow are Christians, and not all are encouraging towards others, but the information I gain through social media, while a double edged sword, can encourage me towards helpful practices like self care, balanced exercise and eating, having a healthy marriage, etc. Social media also gives me opportunities to encourage others.

Community: Nothing substitutes for in-person interaction, but social media does provide some sense of connection. (See below.) I've met some special people through social media, mostly through The Joy Squad. One of these ladies is the most awesome pen pal ever!

Connection: There are some people that prefer social media as means of contact. When I delete social media, I have less access to them. Can I still e-mail or call them? Yes, but they're more likely to respond to a Facebook message or Instagram DM.

Creativity: Pinterest is a good place to find recipes. Bloggers provide fun craft and cooking ideas. I like the process of finding and reading about new ideas.

(Head on over to Instagram to see my post where I tagged some special people in each of these categories.

All in all, social media brings me joy, so I keep using it. As I read this list, though, I realize that my reasons for using social media are a lot about me, and less about others. Maybe I need to change that. Social media brings me joy, but am I using it to bring joy to others? Food for thought....

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