Saturday, May 6, 2017

Choose to be happy.

It was my birthday yesterday. And I found myself not allowing myself to be happy, stifling the joy, pleasure, and satisfaction of coworkers' greetings, not wanting to open my cards, wanting to pout. Choosing to be unhappy.

No, the day wasn't what I wanted it to be. I contracted a cold and my head hurt, my nose ran, and my body ached. I couldn't go for a morning run. I wasn't where I wanted to be in life. But you know what? I had a choice. I could choose to enjoy my morning, eat breakfast, read the cards, relish the gifts, laugh at people's comments, and LIVE, or I could choose to stew about what I couldn't do. I chose to be happy.

And it wasn't easy. The day didn't go as planned. I didn't get to finish group texting with my friends because my cell phone ran out of data. I didn't get to go out to Mexican food with my parents because it got late and the lines grew long. But these were my choices, too. I could have chosen to buy extra data, or to wait out the lines. But I chose to turn off data and ask to go home for a quesadilla. Yes, I was sad. I shed some tears at dinner, but I once again had choices: enjoy my day, or let data shortages and dinner ruin it. I chose to try to make the best of things.

Mom and Dad gave me gifts. I got to spend awhile on my computer. I finished off the evening with a movie and chocolate avocado frozen pudding. Overall, life is good, and God is always good. I need to choose to be grateful, to be thankful, to live in the light of God's love and be happy as often as I can. A lot of life is about choices

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Sarah! I've had my share of crying on birthdays too. Expectations are hard and I totally get sometimes choosing to wallow in the disappointment!
    -Emily S
