Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It is What It Is.

"It is what it is." My dad said this to us all the time my siblings and I were growing up, and honestly, it annoyed me. It seemed dismissive of the situations at hand, as well as unrecognizing of my feelings. But as I've gotten older, I've realized the truth in Dad's mantra. And I've kind of taken it on as my own.

Someone said something I don't understand. I can overanalyze it, or take it at face value. It is what it is.

People have opinions about my relationships and what they think they should be. I can try to justify my actions and comply with expectations, or let the issue go. It is what it is.

My plans for the day got hijacked. I can stress and fret, or just run with what the day throws at me. It is what it is.

I haven't trained enough for my 5K, so my time will be slow. I can chastise myself, or just go and enjoy it. It is what it is.

I should (fill in the blank), but I didn't or I  can't. I can strive and strain or accept. It is what it is.

I want (fill in the blank), but I don't have it. I can wallow in discontent, or just be where I am. It is what it is.

This is my life, people. It isn't perfect, and I certainly struggle in it, but it is what it is. This is where God has placed me for this time and season, and He is here. HE IS.

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