Monday, April 17, 2023

Pat's Run 4.0

Another year, another Pat's Run. This is number four in-person (five if I count the virtual COVID event). I've run a lot this year! I took a down week after the 15K, and then ramped back up with a one month intermediate 5K plan in preparation for this race. The plan had me running five days a week: one tempo run plus hill repeats (which turned into intervals since I do not live near hills), one cross training day, one race pace interval day, an easy day, and a long run. I continue to use Nourish Move Love workouts for cross training. Most days, I stretched for five minutes and foam rolled for five minutes after running. I did yoga occasionally. That was pretty much my plan.

I was in corral four this year. This was back a corral from last year. I wondered if I was moved back due to my less fast time last year. My husband suggested that there just might be more runners as the world comes back from COVID. As it stood, there were 28,000-30,000 runners, so corral four wasn't bad.

Packet Pick-Up

Hat's off to the race organizers, because this is a well-oiled machine. Pre-race e-mails told runners to know their bib numbers for packet pick-up, but there were volunteers at a tent helping people who needed to look up their numbers on-site. Since I already had my number, I skipped this step, and in less than five minutes, was in and out with my bib and race shirt. I don't love the color of the shirts this year, but the run is not about the shirt. It's about remembering Pat Tillman and his sacrifice. Hats off to his family and the Pat Tillman Foundation who continue to put on this great event. Rather than channel their grief into anger, they have channeled it into remembering Pat with honor, and helping the greater community, and really, the world at large. I so respect that!
Race Day

I got up at 4 am Saturday morning. I have learned that I am a slow starter, and having more time is better. I braided my hair, read my Bible, did my physical therapy exercises, made coffee for my husband, and then we were out the door! We opted for the 5:14 am light rail, even though it meant we were early. Good choice! We got there as race expo booths were opening and picked up some good swag. Being that it is Arizona, most booths give out chapstick and sunglasses, or both! I got enough sunglasses last year to last a while, so I just picked up chapsticks this time. My haul from last year got me through about a year, and I hope it will again this time!


I drank my 8 oz of water at home before the race. This gave me time to use the bathroom. Runners talk about how many times they need to stop before their runs, and it really is true! I need to hydrate, but then I get nervous and have to use the bathroom a million times! Anyway, around 6 am, I ate my banana and did my five minute shake-out run. (I learned last year that eating my banana at home was way too early, causing a blood sugar crash, rather than a spike, which is what I want for optimal energy.) I got in the corral around 6:30 am, but kept my jacket until around 6:55 am. (Thankfully my husband was nearby to take it from me!). I hoped that staying warm before the race would help me conserve energy. I thought that I needed to wear shorts and a tank top to combat the heat of the race, though. I was right! At 55 degrees, it was cool in the morning, but in the bright sun and temperatures rising over 60 at rice time, my attire was just right!

The Run

I got over the start line around 7:11 am. The first mile was slow! There is a hairpin turn to start the race, and then lots of people. (Some people were already walking at this point.) I looked down at my walk at mile one and saw 8:44/mile, not the pace I planned to run! I told myself that I felt faster and knew I could be faster, and I needed to keep trying. The race lane narrowed at times, meaning I had to watch my elbows, as well as the elbows of others. There is one slight hill that is hard, but then a downhill. I tried to catch speed there. Mile two was 8:22/mile, better, but I still had to catch up from mile one. I sort of hit my stride at mile three, and saw that I was in range of my goal pace, and tried to push it a bit. Hearing the stadium music gave me a boost of energy as I got closer to the finish. The finish is uphill a bit into the stadium, but I did try to increase my speed. I didn't feel too bad coming over the finish line.


I had my watch and phone results, but it took me awhile to get official results. The official results were 34:26, or 8:12/mile. I did it! My goal was 35:00, and 8:15/mile, and I exceeded that! Praise the Lord! The mental game is so important in running, and with the Lord's help, I did it! Yes, I felt tense and tight and slow at the beginning, but the race was not over until it was over. And when it was over, I heard them calling corral 16, which made me extra grateful that I got to run when I did. It only gets hotter as the day goes on. Truly a gift!

Final Thoughts

It has been a really good race season! Slowing down, working on strength, and dialing in nutrition have been so helpful! Who knows if I can have the same improvements year over year, but after an "off" season this summer, I hope to see. And next year is the 20th anniversary of Pat's Run, which seems important, so I hope to run it again. Lord willing, I will. For now, though, I am celebrating this special day and Pat's Run PR with great gratitude to God for the privileges that allow me to run, and strong appreciation for my husband who supports my continued efforts.

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