Wednesday, December 20, 2023

I'm Tired of the Have-To's.

Consumerism thrives off telling people they need things, or have to do things. I try not to give in to believing I have to buy things. I try to buy only things I need or want. Lately, though I find myself falling prey to a different form of consumerism: the have-to's.

I have somewhat of an obsessive tendency to my personality (not surprising, given my bent towards perfectionism). Lately, I've been noticing how much that manifests in the have-to's. I feel like I "have-to" scroll my Instagram feed until I see the check mark showing that I have read all the posts. I feel like I have to complete the DuoLingo challenges each month. I feel like I should keep up with cooking challenges. I once started. Why? Continuing these things is not filling my life with purpose or joy. It is just keeping me busy, tired, stretched, and stressed. 

I know the New Year is coming, and with it plenty of "challenges." I have already gotten e-mails about the Yoga with Adriene challenge. I know Nourish Move Love will offer a new year challenge. I have enjoyed both of these in the past, but do I really want to do them this year? Will they add to my life, or subtract? Will they help me live in the present, or just rush and stress me? Honestly, I am not sure, but I want to consider before committing. I'm tired of the have-tos.


What about you, friends? Any have-to's you've succumbed to? What are your priorities for the new year? What have-to's might you set aside to truly be present? Please share in the comments section.

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