Saturday, January 16, 2016

The List

16 Things I'd Like to Do in 2016

(Not that I'll do all these, but I'd at least like to try)

1) GO! on a cruise.
2) Stop checking e-mail on my phone while at work.
-“Constantly being available on e-mail reduces your sense of control” (Pevzner, 2016, p. 127).

3) Use more glass storage containers and less plastic (Liddon, 2016).
4) Find my rambunctious side again.
5) Memorize some new scripture, or at least review the old. (Ps 119:105).
6) Clean out the pantry (fridge, freezer, et. al) and go on a grocery spend fast until it is done (Shinabarger, 2013; Wiest, 2015a).
7) Purge excess. Soak up blessing (Shinabarger, 2013; Wiest, 2015, November; Wiest, 2015a).
8) Run a 5K.
9) Embrace the quiet (Lindley, 2016).
10) Pursue counseling licensure.
11) Rest (Ps 46:10; Matt 11:28-29).
•“Pace yourself ….Make physical relaxation a priority – no matter what you’re doing....It is not the quantity of what we accomplish, but the quality of it” (Wiest, 2015a).

12) Trim down the processed. Bulk up the produce. (In my diet)
13) Bullet journal plan—streamline my to-do list (Bullet journal; Wiest, 2015b)
14) Finish the books I have (Every Thought Captive  and How We Love) and read more (Wiest, 2015, November; Wiest, 2015a).
15) Spend time with and love the people around me (John 13:35; Wiest, 2015a). 
•Send notes. Pay compliments. Give unexpected gifts. Cancel personal plans in lieu of hang-out time. Whatever it takes.
16) Blog. Instagram. Something. (Experiment.) 
•I need to share more with the world (1 Pet 3:15). I need to document and record God's blessings for myself (Ps 103:2).

Bullet journal: The analog system for the digital age. (2016). Retrieved
Clark, J. (2006). Every thought captive: Battling the toxic beliefs that separate us from the life we crave. Colorado Springs, CO: Th1nk.
Liddon, A. (2016, January 3). Daily habits for happiness. Retrieved from .
Lindley, J. K. (2016, January). Can I have some peace and quiet? Real Simple, pp. 79-82.
Pevnzner, H. (2016, January). Real Simple, pp. 122-127.
Shinabarger, J. (2013). More or less: Choosing a lifestyle of excessive generosity. Colorado Spring, CO: David C. Cook.
Wiest, B. (2015a). 16 goals to set for the new year that are more about enjoying what you have than chasing down what you don't. Retrieved from
Wiest, B. (2015b). 26 things every person should do for themselves at least once a year.. Retrieved from
Yerkovich, M., & Yerkovich, K. (2008). How we love: Discover our love style; enhance your marriage. Colorado Spring, CO: Waterbrook Press.

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