Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Turmeric Apricot Oats

I'd never experimented with turmeric until I read about golden milk overnight oats. On a whim, I made some for a work breakfast. The flavors pleasantly surprised me. Earthy, but sweet, I knew I'd make these oats again.

Fast forward to winter, and I'm not feeling cold oats so much. But after reading in the newspaper this week about the benefits of turmeric, I decided I needed to try a warm version of turmeric oats.

I stirred in some apricots leftover from a Morrocan stew recipe and wow, was this bowl good. The yellow color of the oats may surprise you, but rest assured, the sweet, earthy, and spicy flavors won't disappoint!


1/2 c quick oats
1 c water
4 dried apricots, cut into pieces, plus more for topping
1 t turmeric
1/2 t cinnamon


1. Combine oats, water, and apricots in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.
2. When oats reach desired consistency, stir in turmeric and cinnamon.
3. Transfer oats to a bowl and top with more dried apricots, if desired.

Note: I added a blackberry to my bowl to make it more aesthetically pleasing, but I found that the berry flavor paired well with the oats. Feel free to add blackberries as an additional topping, if desired!

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