Monday, November 18, 2019

(Humorous) Lessons Learned from Marriage

Sometimes your spouse does things to impress you that they don't need to do. Like my husband was only wearing jeans once before washing them because he thought it was "normal." When I told him I wear my jeans many times before I wash them, he was like, "Oh, I can do that? Then I'll make less laundry."

Black napkins look great...until you use them. Then they show everything.

There's no substitute for Dawn. It may be a more expensive dish soap, but nothing else cuts the grease. Just buy it.

Wal-Mart does not sell whole bean coffee. Whole bean coffee is specialty.

Refined coconut oil has no taste. So unless you're trying to get health benefits from using it, buy unrefined coconut oil. It actually tastes, well, like coconut.

Waterproof tablecloths are

Menu planning does not really work. Menu-idea-ing does. And sometimes items stay on the menu idea list for a long time....

Apparently homemade granola can convert even a former keto dieter to carbs....

Even after you've lived together for awhile, sometimes you forget that there's someone else in the house. And they scare you to death. Like that night I knew my husband was coming home but about had a heart attack when I saw him sitting on the couch when I came out from the back room.

Marriage has its ups and downs. It's teaching me a lot. But it's also fun and funny. Laughing with someone I love has been a huge blessing in marriage. And today I'm celebrating that.

Do you have any humorous stories from your own marriage? Please share in the comments section.

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