Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I Love My Husband More....

I love my husband more than anyone else in the whole world. Maybe that’s a given. But for me, it’s kind of surprising, because I love other people so much too, like my mom, and my dad, and my brothers, and my granddad, and my best friends. But I love my husband more, and increasingly so as the days go by.

As I ponder the love that I have in my marriage, it seems right. My love for my husband should be second only to my love for Christ. Because that’s the way it’s supposed to work. But my love is also a choice and I think that’s part of the reason I love so much.

I was blessed to grow up in a loving family. In that family, love was reciprocal. I didn’t necessarily choose to love. They loved me and the love just came to me. With my husband, I made a conscious choice to love, even before I knew if he loved me. And that choice was what led me to make the commitment of marriage.

I said in my vows, “I choose you.” Sure there are hard days, but I still choose him. And I’m committed to choosing abs loving him for as many days as God give us. Is it always easy? No. Are there days I don’t feel the warm fuzzies of love? Sure. But then there are the days God grows my heart increasingly ever bigger for the man He gave me as a husband. I’m thankful and grateful and blessed to love this man more than anyone I’ve ever known.

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