Monday, March 2, 2020

Ten Ways to Cope with Crippling Anxiety

The crippling fear. The tightness in your chest. The feeling that at any moment you might panic and lose it. Yes, I know these things. Though I have never experienced a full blown panic attack that I know of, I have for years struggled with anxiety. I've taken medications. I (still) take supplements. I try manage lifestyle factors and exercise, and still sometimes anxiety takes me surprise. It tries to knock me down, but by God's grace, I try to cope. Here are at least ten of the ways I do so:

1) Talk about it. A college professor told me that Satan has power over what we keep in darkness. So vulnerable as talking is, and often with embarrassment, I talk, usually to my husband, sometimes to my mom, sometimes to a trusted friend. I don't broadcast my struggle to everyone who needs to know, because that wouldn't be helpful. But someone needs to know.

2) Drown it out. There is a time and place for coping with anxiety, but sometimes I just need to drown out the noise in my head with something else: sermons, podcasts, music, my own singing, you name it. I just need noise.

3) Walk. Exercise can become compulsive, especially when you struggle with anxiety, but in moderation, it helps. The simple movement of putting one foot in front of the other reminds me that I can keep moving in life as well.

4) Get some sunshine. This kind of goes with the above, but sometimes the Vitamin D helps.

5) Eat. I didn't know that anxiety can be a sign of hunger until I read Rachael Hartley's blog post. If I am feeling unreasonably anxious, especially in the morning before breakfast, I try to stop what I am doing and eat. That often helps, if not takes care of that particular version of crippling anxiety.

6) Sleep. Not always possible, but sometimes just laying down helps calm my nervous system. Bonus if you have a weighted blanket. I am not sure if there is empirical validation for using weighted blankets with anxiety, but they are warm and comforting and keep me still, again, calming my nervous system.

7) Self-talk. I tell myself, "This too shall pass." I tell myself that I can keep going, that it will get better. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not. It's worth a shot.

8) Get a hug. Did you know that hugs release the feel-good chemical oxytocin? Not everyone is privileged to be around safe people who give hugs, but if you have those people in your life, use them!

9) Phone (or text) a friend. I am blessed with a few friends who really get anxiety, mostly because they've been there, or are there themselves. If I reach out to them, they can empathize and often encourage and pray with me. They make me feel less alone.

10) Look to the Lord! Pray. Access the truths of the Bible. Recite those truths over yourself. Work to believe that there is a power greater than anxiety (because there is!) And if you do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior, let your anxiety drive you to him for saving faith.

Is my anxiety crippling*? It feels that way. It tries to tell me I am unable to go forward. (That's the definition of crippling.) The truth is that, most days, my anxiety is not crippling. It is debilitating, sure, but I can walk with a limp. And when I walk with a limp, I can somehow get to the next place. And that's what I'm trying to do when coping with anxiety. I am trying to get to the next place, to the next season, to a place of greater functioning. These strategies help.

*Some anxiety truly is crippling and utterly debilitating. Always seek professional help when this is the case, preferably before an all out crisis emerges. Sometimes our brains need medication to calm the anxiety down. Sometimes we need therapy. Sometimes we need biblical counseling. Sometimes we need mentoring. Please seek all and any of these services as you see fit. My sharing is in no way to replace or supersede professional advice, or to in any way make you feel guilty for whatever (healthy) coping skills you use to deal with anxiety.

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