Tuesday, December 1, 2020

25 Christmas Conversation Starters

I'm trying to start a new tradition this year: doing something each day to get in the Spirit of Christmas. Time and money aren't always accessible, but we can talk about Christmas. To that extent, here are 25 questions to get you started. I plan to use these at family dinner, but please feel free to use as you see fit.

1. What is one Christmas food that is overrated?
2. Tell about a gift you were surprised to receive.
3. Tell about a time you were excited to give a gift to someone else.
4. Recall a time you were stunned by a display of Christmas lights.
5. Recount when you learned “the true meaning of Christmas.”
6. Reflect on whether or not you ever believed in Santa.
7. Retell a fond Christmas memory.
8. Have you ever experienced a white Christmas? If no, would you want to? If yes, when.
9. Tell the story of an awkward experience at a Christmas party.
10. Describe a Christmas performance you attended and enjoyed.
11. Name your least favorite Christmas song and tell why.
12. Tell your favorite Christmas carol.
13. Talk about how you have celebrated Advent in the past. If you have not celebrated, discuss how you will make room in your heart for Jesus this year.
14. Describe the Christmas trees you had in your house growing up.
15. Recall a Christmas parade you attended.
16. What Christmas treat makes you salivate?
17. When did your family open gifts, on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Describe that experience.
18. Did your family make a traditional Christmas dinner? If so, what was it?
19. What members of your extended family, if any, did you see at Christmas?
20. What is your favorite color and style of Christmas lights?
21. Describe any traditions you had around celebrating Christmas.
22. Where would you go for Christmas if you could choose anywhere?
23. Who is it important for you to talk to around the holidays?
24. Do you have any Christmas traditions with friends?
25. What was special about this Christmas?

What questions should I add to this list?

How are you and your family celebrating Christmas?

Please feel free to share in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. A great list of questions for people who are trying to connect more at a time like this or even for those going on a road trip maybe!
