Wednesday, November 29, 2023

I Learned Something....

I tried to go to the grocery store between my workout and breakfast. Tried is the key word because spoiler alert: I did not make it. I got home only in time to set down groceries, get dressed for work, kiss my husband, and head out the door. I was frustrated. I was slightly upset. I tried something new, though. Instead of following the self-deprecating path those emotions generally lead me down, I tried saying, "I learned something." I learned how long it takes me to go to the grocery store and back.

I thought I could make it to the store in 30 minutes. I only had 22, but thought, "Well, I'll give it a try." Well, I did give it a try, and it did take 30 minutes, but that 30 minutes did not leave enough margin to get dressed and eat breakfast. I learned something.

I have a bad habit of trying to fit too much into my days. Yes, I stress about "chores" such as grocery shopping until they are done, but I have to consider the trade-off: stress because I have not yet done the chore, or stress because I did the chore when I did not have time to do it. I learned something.

Am I still upset that I missed breakfast with my husband? Yes. Am I still slightly upset at myself? Yes, but I learned something. I learned that I can approach some things in life not as pass/fail, but as learning opportunities. What more might I learn if I carry this mindset forward? Who knows!

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