Wednesday, October 5, 2022

I Need Purpose.

I need purpose. I think I always have. It has just become more prominent recently. I think it's supposed to be this way.

I enjoy running most when I have a training plan. Whether that plan is building a base or training for a race, it gives me a greater purpose. It helps me run less junk miles, rest when I need to, and push when the plan says to work. It keeps me ready for the next thing.

I like lists. Yes, I do struggle with getting too attached to my measures of productivity, but they also give me purpose. They remind me of what I need to do, and help me celebrate when I accomplish it.

I like working with a purpose. Yes, this makes my work harder, but my heart is also in it. I've had jobs that just got me by, and that is what they did. Believing that my work has a greater impact than me helps it matter more, and helps me work at it more.

I do need rest. Diversion is good, for a little bit. Going with the flow is fun, but only until it isn't. I do like spontaneity, but it has to fall within the scheme of a larger purpose. As J. Oswald Chambers (2007) writes in his book, Spiritual Discipleship, "There is a place for recreation in the life of the disciple: A good test of the validity of our recreation would be this: Will it make me a better and healthier servant and a more effective winner of men?" (p. 121). If rest makes me better, great! If it relieves and releases me for a time so I can come back stronger and more on fire for my purpose, perfect! If I am just endlessly scrolling social media trying to get my head straight, bad. I am losing purpose.

God didn't put people on earth for no reason. In fact, he created man with purpose, to glorify Him. J. Oswald Sanders writes that discipleship is “Learning with the purpose to obey what is learned…a deliberate choice, a definite denial, and a determined obedience” (p. 8). How the world would change if all of us as Christians live this way. How things could change if I lived more and more this way!

I need purpose. I was created to live with purpose. May God continue to show it to me, and may I follow in that way.


Sanders, J.O. (2007). Spiritual discipleship: Principles of following Christ for every believer. Moody Publishers.

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