Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Using Social Media More Mindfully

I've talked about why I've kept social media. Now I'm talking about how I am trying to consume it more mindfully. Am I perfect? No how, no way! I am as bad at disassociating by scrolling as the next person. I am noticing when I enjoy using social more, however, and that is when I am using it mindfully.

I enjoy social media when I have time to engage with it. Yes, I often scroll through quickly for updates, but when I take time to read, comment, etc., I find it more enjoyable. Mary Jelkovsky (2023) reported that she only opens up social media when she has time to engage. This might be a stretch for me, but it is worth considering.

Considering the time factor, I try to keep loose track of how much time I have spent on social media. Apple screen time is great for this. For a time, I did try using the parental controls to limit my social media use, but it just made me frustrated and frantic, not the attitude I want to have towards social media. Now, when I check my daily or weekly usage of screen time and see that it is high, I ask myself if I want to stay on social media, or consider doing something else. Sometimes I choose to stay, and sometimes I choose to go.

Other ideas to engage social media mindfully are plentiful. I have my social media apps set to the second screen of my phone so that I have to intentionally scroll to partake of them (Burger, 2021). This does not take much, but requires just a bit more pause before consuming. It is good to consider my headspace while consuming social media, and to check in with myself if social media use is helping or hurting me that day (Shuck, 2023). Taking breaks, or sabbaths can also be helpful as resets. (I often do this during Lent. I used to do it every Sunday, though not as much recently.) To be more mindful about social media, I have to engage my mind, and this is often what social media use does not do.

Ultimately, mindful social media use, for me, comes down to mindset. What am I doing? Why am I doing this? Who am I doing it for? Is this serving me? Answering these questions is at least a start of a foundation towards better, wiser social media use.


Burger, J.C. (2021, August 17). A minimalist’s guide to using social media wisely + mindfully. Simply Fiercely.

Harrison, C. (Host). (2023, May 22). The harms of social media, and giving up a career as a fitness influencer with Mary Jelkovsky (no. 8). [Audio podcast episode]. In Rethinking wellness.

Shuck, C. (2023, April 7). Unlock the power of social media: 19 mindful practices to enhance your online experience. LinkedIn.,breaks%20from%20social%20media%20altogether.

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