Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Why I've Kept Social Media

I go back and forth about social media, as evidenced by the posts I have written about it over the years. While I can definitely use social media too much, it also has its benefits. Here are some of the current reasons I have decided to keep my accounts:

1) Instagram is a place for me to play. I enjoy taking photos, curating my feed, and even making things to post on it, like my current Friday scripture posts.

2) Social media helps me stay connected. Yes, I can get too connected, but at the same time, it gives me ways to keep in contact with people I care about, even at a distance. If I am wise, I can use what I see on social media to prompt me to pray.

3) I learn things. I have probably learned more about running and running nutrition through Instagram than anywhere else. I can absorb the short bits of information and then research more if I wish. Social media also helps me discover new recipes, find interesting reads, and learn new kitchen hacks. These benefit my live overall.

4) Social media plugs me into a place. Our city posts a lot of hidden gems on their social media accounts. They also post contests and prizes, one of which we recently won!

5) Information is fast. I often see notifications of new blogs, city news, etc. on social media before I see it elsewhere. I definitely have to fact check information, as fast information is not always true, but nonetheless, social media can apprise me of current happenings.

6) Social media is a form of exposure therapy. I can pick apart every picture I take, whether it be of food or flowers or people. Posting encourages me to accept the imperfections I see and enjoy the creativity and connection I get via posting.

7) I can encourage. Social media is definitely a place where people cut each other down, but does it have to be? Why not make it a place of encouragement? I still see social media as a street corner from which to proclaim hope, the ultimate hope of which is found in the gospel.

8) Social media is a funnel. Julia Turshen pointed this out in a recent podcast (Harrison, 2023). I post links to my blog through Facebook. Pinterest and other platforms can point me to things that interest me. Again, I can overuse social media and go down the “rabbit hole,” but when I don't it is pretty handy!


Will I keep social media forever? Not necessarily. Life is a series of evolutions and evaluations. (For example, I primarily use Instagram now, whereas I used to primarily use Facebook. Who knows what it will be years from now). May the Lord give wisdom as I continue to weigh what works for me.


Harrison, C. (Host). (2023, June 19). Cooking without wellness rules and how social media is like diet culture with Julia Turshen (no. 10). [Audio podcast episode]. In Rethinking wellness.

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