Wednesday, January 15, 2020

He Had More Faith Than I Did

When we started this whole moving journey, I was in favor of exploring options, of seeing what a move might look like. But when the pieces started to fall into place, I got scared. I didn’t believe. My husband, on the other hand, had faith.
I didn’t believe the condo deal would go through. He kept saying he was confident it would. When I couldn’t transfer with my job like I thought I could, I was confident that I could find a new job. But when we decided to turn down one job offer to wait for a second interview at a place we felt was a better fit, I worried. He kept telling me the company wouldn’t ask for a second interview if they weren’t serious. I wasn’t even sure about the job after the second interview, but he reassured me. Here we are, three months after this whole thing started, living in the only condo we offered on, with me working at the job we chose as best. God is good.
A dear friend told me that we need to pray for our husbands to lead well, because sometimes their leadership is all we need to walk in faith. Her words were wise. My husband had more faith than I did. And maybe he always has. Maybe that is part of the reason God, in His goodness, gave him to me.

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