Monday, February 8, 2021

101 Gifts Of Marriage

The waters of life have been a little bit rough lately. The marriage I see reflected in the waves has not been quite what I would want it to be. As my husband and I discussed our struggles lately, he made the comment that we want our marriage to be good because we want it to be a good reflection of the gospel. That comment really struck me, and after a few days of pondering, I resolved to make a list of 101 good things about marriage. I cultivate a daily practice of gratitude based on the book One Thousand Gifts, so why couldn't I make a list of at least 101 gifts in marriage? The list came easier than I thought. Some of the gifts relate to marriage in general, and some are specific to our individual marriage. Nevertheless, all are gifts, and I want to count them as such:

  1. Admonishment
  2. Adventure
  3. Affection
  4. Anniversaries
  5. Apologetics
  6. Bible reading
  7. Birthday celebrations
  8. Board game playing
  9. Bocce ball
  10. Care
  11. Celebration
  12. Christmas
  13. Church
  14. Commitment
  15. Companionship
  16. Community
  17. Concern
  18. Conflict resolution
  19. Cook books
  20. Cooking
  21. Covenant
  22. Creativity
  23. Cuddling
  24. Daily devotions
  25. Dates
  26. Discipleship
  27. Dreaming
  28. Eating out
  29. Empathy
  30. Encouragement
  31. Excitement
  32. 5Ks
  33. Forever wedding dates
  34. Forgiveness
  35. Friendship
  36. Furniture shopping
  37. Goals
  38. Gospel witness
  39. Gnocchi
  40. Grace
  41. Help
  42. Hiking
  43. Home ownership
  44. Hospitality
  45. Hugs
  46. Identity development
  47. IKEA trips
  48. In-laws
  49. Inspiration
  50. Kisses
  51. Learning
  52. Love
  53. Matching clothes
  54. Memories
  55. Mercy
  56. Movies
  57. Notes
  58. Optimism
  59. Parks
  60. Partnership
  61. Pasta
  62. Personal growth
  63. Perspective
  64. Photographs
  65. Planning
  66. Positivity
  67. Problem solving
  68. Prayer
  69. Prioritization
  70. Recipes
  71. Rummikub
  72. Running
  73. Sanctification
  74. Scrabble
  75. Scripture study
  76. Selfies
  77. Service
  78. Sex
  79. Shared meals
  80. Shopping
  81. Sleeping in
  82. Snuggles
  83. Sports games
  84. Sriracha sauce
  85. Taste testing
  86. Teamwork
  87. Technology
  88. Text messages
  89. Theological discussions
  90. Time
  91. Touch
  92. Trips
  93. Travel
  94. TV shows
  95. Vacation
  96. Valentine's Day
  97. Vows
  98. Wake-ups
  99. Walking
  100. Wisdom
  101. Working out 
Is this list all-inclusive? No. If I'm honest, I hadn't started counting the gifts of marriage until I numbered these. I had been keeping a tally of all the hard things, but this list helped change my perspective. If I am looking for good gifts, I am sure I will find more.

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