Monday, August 26, 2024

The Simplified Life (August)

Life is just never really that simple, is it? I have realized this month that some things are just about as simple as I want them. Still, my brain margin for other things is small, meaning I just have to simplify overall.

We only have two sets of towels and sheets, and we alternate between them. It does meant that these items get more use and wear out more quickly, but we also require less storage for them. I like it this way. I have a basic "uniform" for work of a t-shirt (short or long-sleeved) and jeans. That limits my choices. One day, I go to another location and actually have a work uniform shirt. I wear that shirt with the same black pants every day. I will need to change to longer black pants for winter, but still, it is an easy swap. We have less in our closets as a result of these lifestyle habits.

While I have not done such a great job at simplifying pantry stores lately, I still look for recipes that include ingredients we already have, or use regularly. I also substitute ingredients like crazy. This drives my husband nuts, as it can make cooking more difficult, but on the grocery buying and storing fronts, it is simpler.

My parents are moving and offered us lots of stuff. I took away only one box. It was all I thought I could go through, and having that limit was good. I scanned most of the papers I wanted and tossed a bunch more. I have what memories I can keep stored in my brain. Some of the rest of it just cannot matter anymore.

I think that is a lesson of life: that not everything matters, and that things that matter at one stage of life don't matter at another. So here's to continuing to focus on what really matters, simplified life or not.

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