Monday, August 19, 2024

Unless the Lord Builds the Marriage

Psalm 127 starts out, "Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain" (New International Version, NIV). I am sure the writer had in mind literal building of a house in this verse, but also the metaphorical building of a house/home/family. So lately, I have been paraphrasing the verse for my own life to read, "Unless the Lord builds the marriage, its builders labor in vain." With marriage as under attack and character trying as it is, I just don't see any way to make it work without Jesus.

My husband and I are pretty much polar opposites in many ways. In fact, when we were dating, I googled our personality types and most everything I read said we should not be together. I tried to resist the attraction for a while, but after regular prayer about it, decided I just had to trust God. If God would unite me with a man very different than me, I had to trust that His plans and ways were greater than my ways. No surprise, in marriage, we are still very different, and that can be difficult. It is character trying, and Lord willing, character building.

That's the thing, though. We see marriage as a greater than just our union. We see it as a reflection of the gospel, "the gospel on display," as one friend wrote on our wedding canvas. We seek the Lord and His will, and for me, it was very clear that God willed for me to marry my husband. Could I have said no? Yes. Would I have suffered. Yes, and if I was truly running from God's will in the matter, God might have sent a Jonah-sized whale to be my home for a while. No one wants God to build that kind of house!

I know some people make marriage work without God. I am just not sure how. Maybe the enemy does not attack? Maybe those people view marriage differently? All I know is that without the foundation of the Lord, the house of my marriage is tipping off center. There are just too many hard things to survive without having a strong base, and an all-wise builder who anticipated the storms that come to accost the place.

So here we are, seeking the Lord, duking it out at times (me probably more than him). Struggling. Succeeding. Sustained by the Lord's strength. That's the only way this house is going to stand.

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