Monday, July 4, 2022


While running around town the other day, I felt a squeeze of anxiety. "I really like it here," I thought. "What happens when we move?" We own our condo. We have no plans to move. I've moved enough times in my life, though, that it's always a thought. That thought can keep me from being present, though.

“Wherever you are, be all there!" Jim Elliot said (Good Reads, n.d.). Man do I need that reminder! I've been back in Arizona six years, and though I still struggle in lots of life, I can honestly say that I would rather be no place else. Yes, it's hot in the desert. Yes, we get little rain. Yes, the sun is bright. I like most of it, most of the time, though. I want to enjoy it for as long as God allows me to be here.

Post COVID lockdown, we are getting out more. We spent our staycation being tourists in our own town, and it was awesome. We're trying to build trying some new restaurants into our budget. It's good, all good for the most part. I just have to live in the good, enjoy the good, and not let the "What if's?" creep in.

In the latter part of his quote, Jim Elliot is reported to have said. "Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God (Good Reads, n.d.). I believe that where we are now is the will of God. For how long, I don't know, but for now, I am confident about where I am. God brought me back home, and this home is a blessing. I want to enjoy it now, for however long this is my now. To God be the glory!


Good Reads. (n.d.). Jim Elliot > Quotes > Quotable Quote.

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