Monday, July 25, 2022

Catering to Our Strengths

We have somewhat of a rhythm in our house. I get up early and turn on the coffee pot. I try to have breakfast dishes out and work lunches mostly packed. I exercise, write in my journal, and get ready for the day. My husband rises a little later. Then we join together for breakfast. In the evening, it's the opposite. He sets out dinner for us when I get home. He also graciously does the dishes after dinner. I'm more of a lark. He's more of a night owl. Our daily schedule therefore mostly works for us, as it caters to our strengths.

Unintentionally or intentionally, we try to divide other tasks by strengths as well. I am more of a planner, so I tend to handle details for things that need to be done in advance. He's great spur-of-the-moment, so he comes up with last minute plans. He also solves problems, as crises are not my strong suit. I sort the clothes by washing type. He handles the technology in the house. Speaking for myself, I am kind of afraid of his task. He's definitely more skilled at it!

Not all of our tasks get divided by strengths, however. Some things just have to be done. In fact, my husband does quite a few household things that I would like to do, but can't do, due to time. Those tasks become a joint effort, and a joint strength, because we cross them off the list together.

I believe in gender roles. Really, I do. A lot of things, though, I believe are purple (a phrase I heard on a podcast, the name of which I don't remember), that is, not male or female, but just tasks. I think it behooves and benefits us to divide those tasks by strengths where we can. Big or small, it accentuates the best in each of us, and makes each of us more content. The better each of us are, the better our marriage is, so catering to our individual strength is really catering to our strength as a team. To God be the glory.

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