Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Cleaning the Slate

Another person in my life cut off communication. It's happened before, but it still hurt. Some people walk away and never say goodbye. Some people say goodbye when I am not ready. Some relationships just drift apart, or fall apart. After the most recent situation, though, I decided that I wanted to be more intentional about my part.

I sometimes do not know what part I play in relationships that fail or fade. I decided that I want to reach out to those people and ask, though. Have I offended you? Have I hurt you? Have I wronged you? If so, I want to apologize. Few to no conflicts or fallings out are one-sided. If I have injured someone, I need to know, so I am asking. It is humbling. It might hurt, because I don't get a response, or because I do. But I want to know. I want to clean the slate if and where I can.

I have reached out to a few people so far. One has responded. I hope I can be brave and humble enough to reach out to any more that come to mind. I am not perfect. Life is short. I want to be faithful. To God be the glory! 

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