Monday, September 25, 2023

The Only Thing Constant...

It has been said that the only constant is change. And man, is that ever true! I don't like change. It feels disquieting and unsettling. It feels unsafe it is unknownness. But it comes, like it or not. And change can be good, is often good. I just forget that.

It's been a year of technological change for me. Only one of the changes I wanted, and even that was because something broke, and I decided to buy a new one while upgrading something else. The changes have been frustrating, overstimulating, and sometimes routine upending. Yes, I am talking about first-world "problem" change, but the emotions exist within me nonetheless.

I have been having to navigate these changes by asking for help. I have been having to tell myself that these changes are good, or at least can be good. I am having to remind myself that God is God, even amidst the change. In the end, He will remain, even if all of these other things continue to change, and then do not exist.

As my husband aptly pointed out the other day, the only true constant is God. He is the one who can work all things together for good, in this life, and in the next. My technological changes are probably for the best, but when the harder, less preferred changes come, may I believe the same. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (New International Version, 2011, Heb 13:3). Amen!


New International Version. (2011).

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