Tuesday, January 2, 2018

When Overdoing It is a Good Thing

I have a tendency to overdo things. That tendency crops up in almost every area of my life. In terms of my mind, that means I tend to overthink things. I think and think and think, and worry and worry and worry, and I get myself all worked up. Overthinking has never really led to anything positive in my life.

I've had a lot on my mind recently, and I'd expect that this would lead to overthinking, but recently I've noticed a change. I've been overpraying. I find myself praying during my jogs, praying in the car, praying around the house, and generally praying in all the normal places that I tend to overthink. I'm not necessarily praying for particular answers, but rather, "Lord, I pray for ________ (person, place, or thing)." This process of praying everywhere and all the time feels weighty, yet freeing. I'm trudging through some deep stuff, but not carrying a heavy load on on my back like when I overthink. I find that reading the Bible or listening to praise music restores me more quickly than when I'm exhausted from overthinking. 

I've always told myself that overdoing anything is bad, but maybe prayer is an area of exception. After all, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to "pray continually" (New International Version). I wouldn't say that I'm to the "continual" stage yet, but the Spirit is certainly doing something new in my heart and in my spirit. Praise be to him! 

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