Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Labor(less) Day

Yesterday was a day I needed, probably more than I knew. I started the day with a 5.75 mile hike on by Willow Lake. Mom and I hiked part of this trail earlier this year, but this time, a friend and I did a little more.

The views were beautiful. The fresh air did me good.

And I actually got a picture of Quartz Canyon this time! The whole wash is filled with quartz. It's pretty spectacular.

After hiking, we went to see one of my coworker's band play. Outside time + music = Happy Sarah.

Then I came home and was finally relaxed enough to nap. Littlest brother called and I made family dinner.

Grilled Hawaiian teriyaki burgers (from Skinny Taste), parsley mashed potatoes, and corn from Mom's garden

It was a good day. And the ironic thing is that I was freaking out Sunday night because there was rain in the forecast and I thought it would ruin my plans. The Holy Spirit convicted me that I should pray about it, and when I woke up, the rain had moved back a bit. It literally started raining when I was five minutes from getting home. Oh the goodness of God...

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