Monday, October 21, 2019

Why I Run

I've been meaning to write this post for awhile. I thought about it again this past weekend after my 10 mile training run. Why do I run? Some people think I'm crazy. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. But then I remember how I feel when I run and the benefits it gives me. I don't run for fitness or physique (those those are side benefits.) I really run for a variety of other reasons.

1) Running is my time with God. Running gives me time to think and pray and process life. I am sure part of it is the bilateral stimulation of the brain that running gives, but it's also the way God made me.

2) Running provides tangible, measurable achievement. No, life isn't all about achievement, but having something I can reasonably accomplish helps my overall mental health.

3) Running produces endorphins. Running produces feel-good chemicals in the brain. People argue about whether or not running is addictive. I reply that any habit can become an idol. As long as it does not become all consuming, running is good for me.

4) Running helps me get my daily steps in. Life is not about getting 10,000 steps a day, but since having a FitBit, I like to try. I'm more of a cardio than a strength girl, and running is the former.

5) Running is a (mostly)* free hobby. I don't have time for much with the busyness of work and life, but running is something I can fit into most weeks. I don't need a gym or special equipment (other than shoes) or tons of time. And since Arizona has a very moderate climate, I can run most days.

*Races generally cost money to enter, and I've been running more of those lately. Special supplies like energy shots also cost money, but the overall cost is negligible in my mind, and not even totally required.

I probably run for more reasons that these, but more now, this is a start of a list. Special thanks to Sarah at Bucket List Tummy who recently reposted her list of reasons to run and reminded me to write my own.

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