Monday, September 28, 2020

Look for the New.

I walk past the same wall frequently. It's had the same loud mural on it for as long as I can remember. The bright colors struck me for awhile, but slowly I got used to them and lately, I have hardly even noticed them. But today, today the colors were new! And I almost missed it. I walked past like I normally do, listening to my podcast, thinking about what I was learning, pondering the day, counting my next steps. Then I stopped. Wait, was the wall different? Did someone paint a new mural on it? I had to stop and actually observe. I had to pause and consider.

Life is a blur these days. Wear the mask. Do the thing. Go home. Do more things. Fall into bed exhausted. It seems like the to-dos never end. And maybe they don't. But is there something new happening? Are there things I am missing because of my harried pace? I am sure there are.

And what about that new? Am I missing it? In the wake of pandemic deaths, it feels like much in life is growing stagnant, old, dying. But what if God is slowly repairing and repainting some walls at the same time? What if God has some new brightness and joy to offer? Am I slowing down to seek and find it? Am I allowing myself to enjoy happiness when it comes? These are certainly questions to ponder. 

In these trying times, I need a new way forward. Maybe you do, too. Maybe  pausing to observe our surrounding and look for the new is the start to finding it.

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