Wednesday, July 6, 2016

June Update

It's been crazy, with a big event at work, training my replacement, and moving. My parents are graciously housing me, but my life is in all sorts of disarray. I've got no job, no schedule, and not a clue what's next. But God is with me, and I have many reasons to give thanks, including progress on THE LIST:

1) Go! On a cruise. Done!

2) Stop checking e-mail on my phone while at work. Well, I don't have a job anymore, but I left my personal e-mail off my phone so that I don't obsessively check it. I left my professional e-mail on to (hopefully) keep up with job application e-mails.

3) Use more glass storage containers and less plastic. Mom's all about the glass and has a vast supply of canning jars and lids. I think I'll improve on my glass usage here.

4) Find my rambunctious side again. Among other things, I have aspirations to learn to drive a pickup truck while I'm living at home. We'll see....

5) Memorize some new scripture, or at least review the old. I'm still working on Colossians. Let's be honest. I'm not memorizing much at all right now. My brain feels like mush, but would be better if I exercised it.

6) Clean out the pantry. Moving forced this. I used up all but my spices, some flour, a protein bar, and some Craisins. Thankfully my housemate supplemented my diet while I cleaned out the pantry. That meant I had protein and produce in addition to all the carbs I owned.

7) Purge excess. Soak up blessing. Once again, moving helped, but I still have SO much stuff. I am thankful for family who helped me move it, and a family friend who offered to store it.

8) Run a 5K. Race number two was the LGPA 5K. It was my favorite 5K and best time so far. Plus, we got great swag bags, including a CamelBack water bottle!

9) Embrace the quiet. I have a new night time quiet routine of reading the newspaper.

10) Pursue counseling licensure. I take the National Counseling Exam next week. Praise the Lord, and pray I pass!

11) Rest. I get to sleep in until 6 am while I'm not working.

12) Trim down the processed. Bulk up the produce. Salads are back in style thanks to the Arizona heat and Mom's pantry. I've got to stop eating sugar like I'm home on Christmas break, though. I live here now!

13) Bullet journal plan—streamline my to-do list. I have lists everywhere, on paper and in Excel. I need to get back to the planner.

14) Finish the books I have and read more. I read eight books in June. That was my coping tool.

15) Spend time with and love the people around me. My entire family (Dad, Mom, two brothers, sister-in-law, and Granddad) came to help me move. Now, I get to live with Dad, Mom, and one brother. I need to capitalize on this time.

16) Blog. Instagram. Something. I started an Instagram (@MyArizonaAdventure) to share this new journey of life with my Arkansas friends. (But others can follow, too.)

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