Friday, December 30, 2016

Things I've Learned in 2016

As I reflect on 2016 (A Review of 16 in 2016 coming tomorrow), these are things that I've learned:
  • To trust my gut more. Sometimes something is the right thing to do just because it feels right. The still, small voice inside me is the Holy Spirit, and instead of debating with myself so much, I just need to listen and act. This will relieve my stress and anxiety and when I'm wrong, I'll probably sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit more.
  • I love my people! I've been so blessed by coworkers and housemates and college friends and family, both near and far. Thank you to all who have poured into my life!
  • God provides. I needed a job. I needed a place to live. I wanted my counseling license. I wanted friends. God provided at just the right time every time. God's provisions don't always as I like or as I expect, but God truly does take care of my needs.
  • Unanswered prayer is hard! We're still waiting for answers to months of prayers for someone I love very much.
  • I use my phone a lot. (Hence its diminished memory availability) I use and enjoy Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest-a lot. But are these healthy for me? How do I find balance? I haven't quite figured that out, and maybe I never will.
  • Cooking is therapeutic. I am so thankful to live at home and not eat leftovers every day, but I miss the processes of making and crafting food. Perhaps more in the future.
  • Good versus best. This is a recent realization. I want to do a good job at everything, but not everything deserves my best efforts.
  • Rest is a choice. There is never "enough" time for it, so I have to choose to embrace it. That means letting cleaning projects and to-dos and want-to-dos go. But rest is worthwhile, and rejuvenating.
  • The Word is crucial! In these changing, trying times, I must continue to read and memorize the Bible. God reveals Himself through it and I need its truths.
It's been a hard year, but a good year. I guess it's time to say, "Bring on 2017!" It's coming, whether I like it or not.

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