Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Walking Forward

I've written a lot about fear this summer. It's an emotion that keeps facing me in big and overwhelming ways. And sometimes, I just want to let it bowl me over. I want to give up, give in; sit in a puddle and cry. And yet each time I get to that place, crying, sobbing, falling on my proverbial (and sometimes literal) face before the Lord, He says to me, "Walk forward."

My life is very confusing right now. I'm enjoying my job but otherwise feel like the rest of my life is unsettled. I was convinced for a while that I was in a season of waiting, but right now, that feels like a lot of pain and struggle and sorrow, instead of eagerly anticipating what God has next for me.

But God says," Walk forward."

"Walk into what?" I ask.

"Walk forward."

"But I'm scared." I say.

"Walk forward."

"But what if?" I query.

"Walk forward."

"This could end in more sorrow." I plead.

"Walk forward." God repeats.

God's message is clear, so I guess I'm walking forward. Into what, I don't know. But I know that the direction and that it is towards Jesus. That is enough.

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