Monday, May 27, 2019

Not For a Moment

Every family that I saw Friday was sick. And the germs of some particular little one settled into my body Saturday afternoon, leaving me with a sore throat yesterday, and knocking me down for the count today. I've been in bed or on the couch most of the day.

With the little brain power I've had, though, I started reading the book Unshakeable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God by Max Lucado. Some particular lines stuck out to me, but the idea that struck was this, "Who is God?" 

I am honestly irritated about being sick. It's not a good time. My head hurts. My energy levels near zero. I wanted to do some other things. But God. Who is God in this, and what are His promises?

As I pondered that question, lines from a song by Meredith Andrews started to run through my head:

"After all You are constant. After all You are only good. After all You are sovereign. Not for a moment will You forsake me."

And I thought, God is still sovereign. God is still in control. Not for a moment did this take Him by surprise. And who am I to doubt his promises?

"Not for a moment will you forsake me." So when I'm down, when I'm sick, I will choose to remember who God is. In this moment, even a moment when my throat burns, or my head pounds, or germs torment my body, I will choose to praise Him.

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