Monday, August 1, 2022

I Can Trust Him.


The refrigerator froze my fresh produce. Again. There is nothing I can do about it, at least nothing right now, and it really rankles me. I like fresh produce. I work hard to try to keep it around. I spend our hard earned money on it. I've been trying to arrange the fridge so that my produce won't freeze, and despite all my efforts, the food froze anyway.

I recognize that frozen produce is a first-world problem. Some people don't have food. I know this. But the refrigerator freezing food that it shouldn't bothers me. That's okay. What's not okay is my perseveration about it. God knows! God made the produce. God gave humans the creativity to make machines like refrigerators. He provides the resources to have a home, to have a refrigerator, to have electricity to run it, to have money to pay the electricity bills, to have money to buy the food that the refrigerator freezes. The refrigerator freezing fresh produce upset is indeed a "small" thing, but it shows the bent of my heart.

I tend, far too often, far too much, to rely on myself for my own provision. I get bent out of shape when my provision fails. And who am I to even think I can provide for myself? But yet somehow I do. And as I stood there at the refrigerator, I felt the Spirit prick my conscience, and I had to say to myself, "I can trust Him."

Yes, I can trust God. With my frozen produce. With my refrigerator. With my life! I think I trust God, but little things like this show me just how much I don't. It's okay to be upset. It's not okay to act like I control the world.

God controls the world. God is my provider. God is good. I can trust Him! I need to trust Him more. Hopefully I remember that the next time I encounter a challenge, whether it is with the food in the refrigerator drawer or in a larger arena. The issue is not really the problem at hand. The issue is my heart.

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