Friday, February 3, 2023

Crazy, or Taper Crazy?

I think I first read about "taper crazies" in the Run Fast. Eat Slow. cookbook (Flanagan and Kopecky, 2016). I was training for my first half-marathon at the time and wanted to learn more about nutrition. Somehow, though, I picked up that phrase. I do think I experienced them, at least a little

Fast forward a few years and I think I have the taper crazies again. I am only running a 10K, but I dropped from big miles and big workouts to a mere 30 minute easy run. I am thankful for that run, don't get me wrong, but man, I am antsy! I have twice gone through the freezer to inventory stuff. I find myself frittering away time flitting back and forth between house chores. I act a little scatter-brained. I want to solve a lot of life's problems, even though now is not the time.

Granted, probably more than a reduction in running miles is contributing to my condition. I finished 30 days of yoga right as my running volume dropped. The pros say people shouldn't strength train the week of a race, so I dropped that. I got botox in my arm, which mean I could not do any physical therapy exercises or crochet for a few days. I had purposely prepped food so I could cook less the Friday before the race. But now I am stir-crazy!

I heard Steph Bruce talk about wanting to rearrange her house either during the taper, or right after a marathon (both times she needed to rest). I have not quite had that inclination, but I can understand it. I just have restless energy and want to do something with it!

On the flip side, though, I also feel unrested. I cannot seem to get enough sleep. Despite lowering my mileage, I am still pretty hungry. I feel little aches and pains and worry about getting sick. It's crazy, really!

Thankfully, I am not the only one. Other runners experience this, too (eg Wuestenfeld, 2018). So here's to one more day of the crazies, and then, Lord willing, race day!


Flanagan, S., & Kopecky, E. (2016). Run fast. Eat slow. Rodale books.

Wuestenfeld, K. (2018). The taper crazies. Chasing unicorns LLC.

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