Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Simplified Life (An Update)

You know that word I chose for the year? (Simplify. Yes, it's also a form of my blog title.) I am realizing it has a lot more nuance than I thought. When I chose it, I imagined simplifying, paring down, doing less. I am realizing I don't really want to do that, or at least all of that. As of now, simplifying is looking more like prioritizing what is really important.

I like variety, really, I do! When I read about people eating the same breakfast every day, the inner me revolts (Becker, n.d.). Sure, I eat varieties of the same breakfast most of the time, but I also like to switch things up! When I read about minimalism and think about paring down, I get it, but I also don't want to do it. There are a lot of little used things that bring me great joy when I do use them (think bundt and doughnut pans in the kitchen), and I want to keep them. I have also come to the conclusion that some splurge buys are worth it, like random new flavors of things, which are totally a gimmick, but bring me joy, and little holidays things that just enhance the mood. [Thanks, Hungry Runner girl (2024) for reminding that "novelty can enhance our moods."] I guess, at least for right now, the minimalism version of simplifying is not for me.

So what am I doing? I am trying to prioritize. I'm trying to stop doing things that feel like have-tos, but really aren't. For example, I like doing a lesson of DuoLingo every day to keep my brain sharp, but why do I have to keep up with the quests? They just eat up my time and make me angsty. Next! I am also trying to reduce items in my fridge and pantry, not to get rid of variety, but to limit it so that it is less overwhelming. In terms of cooking, I am making larger batches of things and freezing them. This gives us variety, with a little less work. (Thank you, husband, for buying us a chest freezer and being willing to eat frozen and reheated food.) I am also trying to make less recipes that require me to buy unique ingredients. When I do buy those ingredients, I am trying to have a plan for using them up. Again, this results in less overwhelm and decision fatigue for me.

In terms of my closet, I am not trying to pare down to a capsule wardrobe. I have some single, or rarely used items that bring me great joy! I am trying to work through wearing everything in my closet, though. There are a lot of pieces that probably have neutral value and aren't needed (eg t-shirts), and when I find those, I am trying to set them aside so that I can consider getting rid of them. Things I have discovered? That though I have a lot of leggings and yoga pants, I have already worn them all, multiple times! Having less would just necessitate more frequent laundry. No thanks!

What will this journey towards a simplified life look like by year's end? I truly don't know. Whatever comes, may I be receptive to the Lord and what He has to teach me!


Baron, J. (2024, January 26). Friday favorites! Hungry runner girl. https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2024/01/friday-favorites-259.html#

Becker, J. (n.d.). You eat less variety than you think. Embrace it. Becoming minimalist. https://www.becomingminimalist.com/meals/

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