Friday, August 21, 2020

Put in the Minimum. Get the Maximum.

My unwritten personal policy used to be, "Go hard. Go long." "Push until you can't push anymore." "Do the most until most (or all) of your energy is spent." "Keep going until you can't." I've changed my mind. I can't keep going and going and going anymore. I can't push so hard. I no longer give until I've got nothing left. I try to put in my best, and leave the rest. My new motto is, "Put in the minimum to get the maximum."

My job is people related. I spend hours a day coaching and counseling and encouraging. I used to try to make every minute of every hour count. I didn't give myself breaks. No more. Now I try to capitalize on the moments rather than on the hours. I take breaks so that I can recharge and have something to keep giving. Sometimes that means letting a few minutes (or hours) go.

Marriage has had a lot to do with my change of heart. If I give all I have at work, I have nothing to give at home. I want to fulfill my responsibilities at my job, but I also have an obligation to my husband. That means no more overtime if I can help it. No bringing work home wherever possible. Yes, sometimes things get left for the next day, but better there than in my marriage. My marriage needs my maximum.

My new motto extends further. Cleaning? What can I do to make the house the most clean in the least time? Exercise? What will make me feel best and be the best for my body with the least toll? Gifts? What can I give that will mean something, even if the gift is small? I could go on. The principle can be applied in every arena of my life, and possibly in yours?

Some things require long term effort, endurance, and patience. I'm not saying, "Don't persevere." I trying to say for myself, and for others like me that maybe we don't have to push ourselves so hard. Maybe the maximum we've been giving is minimizing our long term effectiveness. Maybe the minimum should be our maximum, if we're giving our maximum during that minimum time. Maybe we should do less and that will be our more. We want our lives to have maximum effect for the kingdom of God, and though counterintuitive at times, often this means giving our less.

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