Monday, May 2, 2022

Being Married to a Runner

Being married to a runner, you just might...

...Have no worries about early morning competition in the house, since your spouse is always up early to run (Brooks, n.d.)

...Find knotted shoes lying out, regularly awaiting your strong fingers to untie

...See a lot of running gear piled about the house, for all that cross training and stuff

...Hone your comforting skills, both for when your spouse is injured physically from running, and injured emotionally when he or she does not meet her goals

...Rise really early to go to races your spouse is running

...Get stuck carrying all the stuff while said spouse runs

...Have a lot of race swag lying around the house after the race

...Wear some of that swag yourself

...Have a spouse who tries to convince you to become a runner, if not all of the time, at least some of the time

...Hopefully find that your spouse is happier, because he or she runs

(As written by a runner, with thanks for her non-runner husband who puts up with all of her shenanigans)


Brooks, A. (n.d.). Dating a runner 10 undeniable reasons it's amazing. Run to the Finish.

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