Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Marriage: Burden and Blessing

My husband and I had a conversation one day about the limiting nature of marriage. We're not upset about it. We just recognize it. The Apostle Paul warns of this in 1 Corinthians 7. The unmarried person is concerned about God's business. The married person is concerned about God's business and their spouse. In essence, the married person has more responsibilities. It is not all bad. It just is.

Biblically speaking, my husband is responsible for me as the head of the household. That is a big responsibility! It is a burden of sorts, but one my husband agreed to take on when we covenanted in marriage. 

From what I read in the Bible, my job is to support my husband and help him thrive and foster. This is a different, but also large responsibility. I can't just think about myself and my needs and desires. I have to think about fulfilling my own needs and desires might affect my husband. I have to think about what my husband needs and desires and if I need to be willing to compromise, or maybe even sacrifice to love and serve him.

Marriage inhibits our social plans, to some extent, that is, if we want a marriage that places God first, and then each other. We can't stay out until all hours of the day or night without thought for how it might affect the other one and their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. We can't spend money indiscriminately without consulting our joint budget. Our marriage doesn't do well when we're apart for a long time. When we prioritize each other, other things, like friendships and our social lives get moved lower down the totem pole.

Marriage is also a blessing, though. It gives us regular companionship. Marriage has its own share of fun and happiness, even if different than when we were single. Marriage doubles our efforts. ("Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor" according to Ecclesiastes 4:9, New International Version). Marriage keeps us accountable, often painfully, but that helps us be more like Christ. Marriage helps us grow. 

Scripture does not definitely say that marriage is right or wrong. It just says how we should treat it once we are in it. Though some parts of marriage are burdensome, we should treat it as a blessing, and steward it as such, for God's honor and glory.

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