Monday, June 12, 2023

It's a Small World!

There are millions of people in the world, tens and thousands of people in the cities where we lives, and hundreds we interact with through church and work. Still, somehow, it's a small world.

When I went to college, we discovered that my out-of-state's roommate's dad and my uncle went to college together. Later, I sang in choir with, and shared a house with. a girl whose dad went to school out of country with my mom. That girl married the son of another former classmate of my mom's.

In adulthood, I've had more than one (not) coincidental connection with someone. When my (now) husband and I made our dating relationship Facebook official, we discovered that one of my high school classmates was friends with his cousin. As I listened to a friend tell me about someone she was dating online, I realized that I went to college with him. Recently, my husband had a professor who graduated from the same small school as me in the same year. It's certainly a small world, and probably even smaller when we consider the family of God. What's cool about that is that we really are close to those people, because the Bible says that we are brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. As such, we should look for and foster connections because someday, those people will make up the sum of our home in heaven.

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