Sunday, May 13, 2018

Acts of Service for Mom

A co-worker made the comment the other day that her husband picks up a lot of slack for her. I don't have a husband, so my parents do that for me. My dad does a lot of stuff for me with my car. My mom takes care of things around the house. I try to help when I can, but I don't do it often enough.

Taking Mom on the home tour was my gift to her for Mother's Day, but I still wanted to do more. I honestly wanted to take the easy route and buy her something, but gifts are not her love language. She told me that her love language is acts of service, and I have been trying to remember that. She has tons of stuff to do just like I do, so while she was out on Saturday, I tried to do a little bit extra.

I made her a carrot cake.

I sliced the bread and made carrot sticks and Gatorade for Dad's lunches

I crafted her a card.

(I saw this idea on Pinterest. The inside says "...They hold everything together."

I did the dishes.

I wrapped her gifts.

I'm not sharing these things to make myself look good, but rather to issue a challenge to others to find little ways to appreciate moms and other special people. Mom does way more for me on a daily basis than I could every repay, but I hope these things helped her and made her special day a little bit easier and show her I love her.

Happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the other moms out there!

Friends, what are you most thankful about your mom? Have you taken the Five Love Languages test, and how do you give and receive love? Feel free to share in the comments section.

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