Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Things That Are Helping Me Survive

While I have several posts drafted to share, nothing feels quite right to post this week. It's been a long one, several long ones, really. I'm just trying to survive. In light of that and in lieu of a different kind of post, I'm sharing products, mindsets, and strategies helping me do just that: survive.


A good insulated mug (I recently bought this one-for drinking lots of hot chocolate)

Alexa or other speaker (for listening to loud hip hop when it is the only thing that will motivate me to do the dishes)

Ice cream (no particular brand, sometimes you just need it, you know?)

Running shoes (Brooks Ghost are my favorite-not to burn off the ice cream, but to allow me to get my mental health movement in while trying to also care for my body)

Wireless ear buds (useful for taking all the phone calls that come in while I need to be doing other things, but also for listening to podcasts and encouraging music when I need to drown out mental noise)

Mantras and Mindsets:

Does it really matter?

One decision at a time.

Grace (for self and others).




Stock up (on simple meal components)

Use easy meal templates (right now: quesadilla, grilled cheese, or potatoes and a veggie)

Help your future self (do something today to help tomorrow)

Savor the respite (enjoy the breaks, because who knows when the next one might come).

Tell your people so they can pray!

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