Monday, July 15, 2024

Things I Love About Summer

There's the heat, and there's the season. Yes, summer is hot, but there are also so many things I love about it! In no particular order, here are a few:

  1. Long days
  2. Early mornings
  3. Sunrises
  4. The satisfaction of a good, sweaty workout
  5. Cookouts
  6. Corn on the cob
  7. Fresh peaches
  8. Fresh plums
  9. Fresh strawberries
  10. Ice cold drinks
  11. Satisfyingly (and hydrating!) cantaloupe
  12. Salty foods to replace electrolytes
  13. S'mores
  14. Watermelon
  15. Tank tops
  16. Tan lines
  17. The nostalgic smell of sunscreen
  18. The initially soothing warmth of the car after the frigidity of air conditioned buildings
  19. The Fourth of July
  20. Red, white, and blue
  21. Patriotism
  22. Fireworks
  23. Driving home from work in daylight
  24. Evening walks
  25. Sunsets
Jess Connolly (2024) says to seize your season. I'm seizing summer and squeezing out its joy for all its worth!


Connolly, J. (2024, May 26). Seize your season (No. 41). [Audio podcast episode]. In The Jess Connolly podcast.

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