Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Some Questions are Okay...

I've received a lot of questions about my hand lately, mostly because of the new finger braces I'm wearing. Some questions are okay. (Some aren't.) And it's okay to ask about this.

Basically, my hand condition (focal dystonia) is permanent. I've got neurological miscommunication that makes some fingers contract and some fingers flex, both at the same time and at different times. I'm in my last week of occupational therapy and still doing my at home strengthening program. The finger braces are supposed to help my fingers do their jobs, especially typing, and the at home program is supposed to help restore the muscle mass lost due to botox. My therapists say it will take awhile for that to happen, though.

I wish there was a cure for dystonia, but there isn't, so I'm learning to accept it. It helps that I'm realizing there's more to life than my hand. At least I still have a hand.

So here's to coming up with concise answers to the hand questions, doing my job, being diligent about therapy, and seeing how things go. Barring a miracle, this is life, and I want to live my life, dystonia or not.

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