Friday, May 10, 2024

Real Life Marriage: We Believed He Could, and He Did!

Five years ago, we were one month from our wedding. Today, we are six days past his graduation. Yes, graduation! We talked about the idea of him going back to school on our honeymoon. It was his idea first, and I seconded it. I wanted to give him every opportunity I'd had (and I'd gone to college and graduate school). I wanted him to have career opportunities. I wanted him to explore his interests. I loved him!

While we intended to change nothing our first year of marriage, we changed almost everything to pursue that dream. We quit our jobs and got new ones. We moved out of our first place and bought a condo. We moved to a new church and started making new friends. We learned to use public transit and navigate the city.

The four year journey to a bachelor's degree was anything but what we thought. In the end, it took four and a half years as he started working not just part-time, but 30 hours or more a week, all while taking full-time classes. We endured the COVID years and getting COVID, years of tiredness, at times living like roommates, and plenty of conflict. We experiences injuries and sadly, injured one another with some of our words and deeds. We scrimped and saved and sometimes indulged just to escape the grind. We almost missed graduation ceremonies because our heads were so far under the water that we didn't know the right date and time. But we did it. He did it!

He graduated. He has a job. I have a job. We are still married. By God's grace and provision, we managed for him to graduate college debt free. Hallelujah!

I am grateful. We are grateful. This journey has not just been about me, or him, or us. It's been about all our families, our community, our village. We all saw in Him the potential to get this done. We believed in him, and he did it. Praise Jesus!

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