Sunday, May 12, 2024

Dearest Momma

Dearest Momma,

Though I may not be exactly like you, I like you! I know I blew you off more than a few times when I was a teenager (especially on that one college visit), and it hurt you deeply. That was more about me and my identity development than you, but I am sorry. You have done many great things in life. You are great, and I love and respect you!

I can barely keep up my household of two. I will never know how you kept a family of five going. I know I saw you tired, but you never gave up, even when you went through bouts of illness.

You are still sharp as a tack when it comes to medical stuff. I got so, so annoyed when we would go to the doctor as kids, only to have them diagnose us with what you already knew we had. I 100% believe you could have gone farther in your medical career, but you chose to mother us instead. Thank you for making that sacrifice!

I learned so much about budgeting and efficiency and saving money from you. I may do it in different ways than you, but the savvy, as well as the celebration for it definitely come from you. Thank you!

You have hung on through many difficult things in life: caring for dying patients, caretaking for family, taking flack for lots of things that are not your fault. Again, I have seen you tired, but turning to the Lord for strength and patiently enduring life's trials.

I know I hated hiking as a kid, but I treasure our hikes together now. I did not always want to look like you, but now I will be very glad if I age as well as you have. While I once questioned your classic style, now I get it. Yes to simplicity! I made fun of your floor rags and masking tape labels, but now I do the same. I am sure there are many other things I will start to do like you as I age. That's what happens when you have a good example of a mother.

Dearest Momma, I may not be just like you, but I am becoming like you, and I'm not at all upset about it. I am proud that you are my mother, and thankful and grateful to God to call myself your daughter. I love you!

Happy Mother's Day!

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