Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The "Maybe" Simplified Life

Our schedule has been anything but simple this month. With big celebrations, family visits, and lots of social engagements, there has been a lot of not even being at home. Still, I labor towards the goal of simplification, or at the least, prioritization.

I wanted to be present with family when they visited us, so I simplified food by prepping ahead and freezing. That led to more complexities on the front side (planning, shopping, packaging, etc.), but less in the moment, as I needed only to thaw and reheat to feed our guests.

I have had a lot of random ingredients I ended up overbuying. Since I still want to zero sum budget extraneous grocery items, I have ended up cooking big batches of the same recipe until the ingredient is gone. Sure, it is not the most creative use of ingredients, but it simplifies things. Win.

I still find myself overthinking things, whether menus or meal plans, or daily exercise, or scheduling. I am trying to stick with original decisions as much as possible (eg when it comes to meal choices) and actually listen to my intuition (eg with scheduling) instead of squashing it. That is not exactly a simple process, but it focuses on what matters.

My husband has finished school, which both simplifies and complicates things. He has more time, but that means more choices about what to do. It makes his activities a little more various and hard to predict (not like school and homework were predictable, either). It also makes my duties and responsibilities a little less clear in the home.

As another month passes, do I have a simpler life? Maybe, maybe not. I am learning that life ebbs and flows, and that I constantly need to adjust to focus on what is important. For May, that was family and celebration. What will June bring? We shall see.

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