Monday, June 3, 2024

Summer Staycation

Summer is upon us! Some people will travel. Some will not. Some of us just need a break. So what about a staycation (taking time off work and other responsibilities, but staying at home, instead of traveling)? We took a staycation few years ago, and it was an excellent choice! I would totally do one again. And if I did, here are some things I would include:

Setting a budget upfront. I am a penny pincher, and if I do not have a budget for spending, I will probably just try to save money. Vacations usually involve some spending (unless it is a "no spend" vacation, which is a different subject).

Planning at least one "vacation" thing a day. This idea comes from my husband. Planning one activity a day creates intention, but also flexibility. If the "one thing" falls through, it can always be combined with another thing for a two activity day, but at least there is a little structure going into the vacation.

Getting local coffee (or tea). There are so many great coffee and tea shops, and not enough time to visit all of them. So instead of staying in for coffee, why not make one of the vacation activities going out for a morning or afternoon beverage?

Wearing comfortable clothes. Real vacations can require certain attired. For the days I stay home, I am wearing what I want to wear. Maybe it's even time to buy some new PJs!

Picking up some fun snacks. Hey, there is a time and place for healthy eating, but vacations are a chance to splurge! We can do that on the go, and at home. Plus, if we are not traveling, we might even enjoy things that don't travel so well, like that chocolate that tends to melt in the summertime heat.

Playing games. Day-to-day life does not always afford time for games, and travel does not always afford space for them. Staying at home means all access to all games all the time. Dig into a long one if you so choose!

Making cooking easy (if cooking at all).  If the budget does not afford eating out every meal, consider cooking in, but keeping it simple. What about frozen lasagna? Or a big batch of pasta. No use slaving in the kitchen unless I want to.

Splurging some. Even if we have to eat in, getting a few fancier items makes meals feel special. Taste buds will be thankful!

Staying up late (or getting up early) or sleeping in, or all of the above. Staycations allow for naps, so why not indulge in some atypical use of time. Enjoy it!

Taking pictures. I am a picture girlie, and I want to document my vacations, staycations or not. Fortunately, there's an IPhone camera for that.

Visiting local museums. There are so many, and several that have hours during normal work time. Going during the work day means less people, too!

Walking around town. I miss so much driving. When I have time to walk (or run) through different areas, I notice so much more. (And let's be honest, it gives me fodder for planning future staycations.)

BONUS: If we could afford it, I would book a night at a local hotel. Sometimes these hotels give discounts to locals, and why wouldn't I enjoy fancy linens and someone else cleaning for a day? Plus, lots of hotels have add-ons like pool use, meals, etc. Live it up, even if local!


Do I want a staycation for every vacation? No, probably not, but it is worth including in the rotation. I am looking forward to the vacation we have planned off shore this year, but in the future, maybe we'll stay close to home and explore more of our own area.

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