Monday, June 17, 2024

Why We Chose to Cruise

If you are not into travel, please feel free to skip the next few blog posts, as they will be recaps of our recent Boston-Bermuda-Bar Harbor Cruise. I write to remember our time, and hopefully, to share with others who might be entertained and/or informed by our experience.

We chose to cruise for our vacation this year because we had some big things to celebrate: my husband's graduation and our five year anniversary. We decided we wanted to visit Bermuda on a whim, but after researching costs, were not sure we could swing it:

Flights: $500-1,000 each

Air BnB: $500 plus a night just for a room

Food: $8 for eggs, $10 for bread, $11.50/liter for gas

Enter cruising. Don't get me wrong. There was still an expense (especially with fees tacked on after the initial fares), but that expense, with airfare and all food included, was less than the nightly Air BnB fee. In addition, our package included airport transfer, shows on the ship, and extras like daily housekeeping service with fresh towels every time we asked. The life of luxury? Pretty close.

Cruising was also the right decision for us because we were in a season of life that did not allow for a lot of extra time. Booking a cruise took the planning mostly out of things. The cruise line booked our airfare (not at convenient times however-both of our flights were overnight), airport transfer, and our entire itinerary. All we had to do was pack our stuff, get to the airport, board the boat and decide if we wanted to do more. (We did choose to splurge on a few excursions.) This worked well for us.

Choosing to cruise was good for our marriage because we could spend 100% of the time we wanted to, together. No cooking. No washing dishes. No even having to make choices about where to eat or how much we could spend. (Well, we did have a few options for places to eat on the cruise so we had some minor discussions about food, but not many.) This reduced opportunities for conflict and just allowed us to enjoy time together. We needed that at this point in our lives.

What did we do on our cruise? Keep an eye on the blog to find out!

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