Friday, June 28, 2024

The Simplified Life (Vacation Edition)

The big event of our past month was our
vacation. Although not simple, we did take some steps to simplify that time. Choosing to cruise was one of them. Once we purchased the cruise package, all we had to do was get to the airport. We even chose to simplify that process, booking a ride in an autonomous Way-mo car instead of trying to navigate public transportation with two backpacks and three suitcases. We lost some autonomy by letting the cruise line manage our travels, but we also gained some freedom. That decision was right for us, this time.

I thought about (and wanted) to buy new clothes for the cruise, but I wondered, "And then what would I do with them?" I have worked this year to decrease my clothing inventory to what I will readily wear. (I still have more than I need.) I looked through my closet and found that my running clothes could work as lounge wear, and I still like some of the dresses bought for my for previous cruises. I found it fun and nostalgic to pack those outfits again. Guess what? I still liked wearing them!

I tried to pack less this cruise, but I still overpacked some. That was after simplifying by removing some items when we discovered that the suitcase was overweight. Oh well. Live and learn.

I considered buying some specialty products for the cruise, but in the end, I decided that what we had worked. I could try to use up the face sunscreen I had. Spray sunscreen could work for everything else. When we got back, I had almost run out of my face sunscreen, and needed to buy more. I got some sport sunscreen, as it seemed like it would be good for sweaty summer running. I considered buying something else for everyday, but one product will do it.

We have eaten a lot from the freezer since coming back. I planned it that way, as I knew I would have less time to prepare. I bought a lot of boxes of pasta during a sale, but I bought them intentionally for the next few recipes in the (Good Housekeeping Family Italian Cookbook). That simplifies things in that it gives me several dinners for my future meal plan.

As I have written before, I do not think I will ever have (or maybe even want), a simplified life. As Kendra Adachi (2020) says in her book, The Lazy Genius, I can decide what matters. That can lead to a simplified life, and a life centered around what is important in this season. At this point, that is what I am going for.


Adachi, K. (2020). The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace what matters, ditch what doesn't, and get stuff done. Waterbrook.

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