"You can close your eyes.
You can say it's a lie.
You can stick your head in the sand.
You can turn away, even try to explain
He was just another man.
When they nailed Him to the cross by His hands and feet
and they put Him in the ground
three days later everybody found out that you can't
no you can't keep a good man down, no
no you can't keep a good man down."
I heard these NewSong lyrics last weekend as we passed Good Friday and approached Easter Sunday. As I listened, I couldn't help but sing along. Life's been hard lately, but "you can't keep a good man down." I persevere because of Jesus. I live because He lives. For those who believe in Jesus, the end is not the end, but rather a new beginning.
Romans 8:11 says, "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you." Do all men live because of Jesus? No. Some choose not to accept The Good Man. And certainly all die on this earth. But because of Jesus, those who do accept his atonement for their sins have hope in life eternal.
Because of Jesus, I also have hope of victory for the good inside of men on this earth. I have hope for victory over struggle, sin, addiction, and disease. Does that always happen? No. Those who choose not to accept The Good Man lack access to His power. And some overcome by leaving this earth and going to be with the resurrected Jesus. But good on earth is possible because of The Good Man.
You can't keep a good man down. If God can raise Jesus from the dead, He can do anything.